Preposition is a word placed before noun or pronoun to show its relation to the other word in the sentence. a word or phrase that is used before a noun or pronoun to show place, time, direction, etc There are some main preposition In, into, on, upon, at ,with ,to ,off, by ,since over, above, under, below ,down ,against ,between ,inside, onto ,across, from, behind. Some words with which we don't use prepositions . Answer ,attack ,discuss ,describe despite,comprises , entered, resemble advice ,told, asked. Prepositions of time examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification. For example: I was born on July 4 th , 1982. I was born in 1982. I was born at exactly 2am. I was born two minutes before my twin brother. I was born after the Great War ended. The above makes it seem quite difficult, with five different prepositions used to indicate when something happened. Howeve...