The summit within word meaning
- Summit (N) apex
- Emotion (N) passion भावना , जज्बा
- Surge (v) rise high
- Dominant (adj) प्रबल
- Humility (N) modesty Example. Of all the emotions which surged through me as I stood on the summit of Everest, the dominant one I think was humility.
- Jubilant (adj ) rejoicing
- Tinge (N) ,झलक
- Sadness (N) Example. There was a tinge of sadness.
- Climb (v) mount
- Overwhelme (v) subdue
- Thoughtfulness (N) gratitude Example. By climbing the Summit of Everest you are overwhelmed by a deep sense of joy and thoughtfulness.
- .Last (v) Example. it is a joy which lasts a lifetime .
- Formidable (adj ) dreadful , fearful डरावना , दहला देने वाला
- Get down (v) come down
- Exhaustion (N) Example. Even when getting down from the summit, once the physical exhaustion had gone.
- Obstacles (N) रुकावट
- Exhilarate (v) very exciting
- Miserable (adj) unhappy Example. He had been miserable.
- Btutal (adj) cruel
- Defied (v) frustrated , resisted
- Firm in (v) make yourself firm
- Grim (N) भयानक , कठोर
- Worthwhile (adi) Example. Looking round from the summit you tell yourself that it was worthwhile .
- Ennoble (v) elevate उदात्त बनाना Example. It is an ennobling enriching experience to just look down from the summit of a mountain .
- Make obeisance (v) bow Example. You bow down and make your obeisance to whichever God you worship .
- Relic (N) Ex. He left a relic of the Buddha .
- Akin (adj) kindred सदृश Example. The physical act of climbing to the summit of a mountain outside is akin to the act of climbing the mountain within.
- Resolutely (adv) firmly दृढता से Example. I venture to think that my experience as an Everester has provided me with the inspiration to face life’s ordeals resolutely.
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