The summit within word meaning


  1. Summit (N) apex
  2. Emotion (N) passion भावना , जज्बा
  3. Surge (v) rise high
  4. Dominant (adj) प्रबल
  5. Humility (N) modesty Example. Of all the emotions which surged through me as I stood on the summit of Everest, the dominant one I think was humility.
  6. Jubilant (adj ) rejoicing
  7. Tinge (N) ,झलक
  8. Sadness (N) Example. There was a tinge of sadness.
  9. Climb (v) mount
  10. Overwhelme (v) subdue
  11. Thoughtfulness (N) gratitude Example. By climbing the Summit of Everest you are overwhelmed by a deep sense of joy and thoughtfulness.
  12. .Last (v) Example. it is a joy which lasts a lifetime .
  13. Formidable (adj ) dreadful , fearful डरावना , दहला देने वाला
  14. Get down (v) come down
  15. Exhaustion (N) Example. Even when getting down from the summit, once the physical exhaustion had gone.
  16. Obstacles (N) रुकावट
  17. Exhilarate (v) very exciting
  18. Miserable (adj) unhappy Example. He had been miserable.
  19. Btutal (adj) cruel
  20. Defied (v) frustrated , resisted
  21. Firm in (v) make yourself firm
  22. Grim (N) भयानक , कठोर
  23. Worthwhile (adi) Example. Looking round from the summit you tell yourself that it was worthwhile .
  24. Ennoble (v) elevate उदात्त बनाना Example. It is an ennobling enriching experience to just look down from the summit of a mountain .
  25. Make obeisance (v) bow Example. You bow down and make your obeisance to whichever God you worship .
  26. Relic (N) Ex. He left a relic of the Buddha .
  27. Akin (adj) kindred सदृश Example. The physical act of climbing to the summit of a mountain outside is akin to the act of climbing the mountain within.
  28. Resolutely (adv) firmly दृढता से Example. I venture to think that my experience as an Everester has provided me with the inspiration to face life’s ordeals resolutely.


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